Second Growth
7.75 x 12.5"
Pastel on Canson paper
I will be participating in an upcoming show at the Studio Gallery in San Francisco. The show opens on Feb. 20th, and runs to Mar. 9th. Who are the Early Birds, you ask? It is a loose association of painters who get together in the mornings to paint before work. Some of us have been painting together since the late 90's. Though the group is not very large, I've not yet managed to meet all the members, even though I may have been painting on the same hilltop as they were! Proof that art is a solitary occupation, even within a group, or some such blather. Here is a link to the Early Birds blog , which is what inspired me to start my own:
Here's a link to the Studio Gallery:
and a link to the show itself:
Many thanks to Dice Tutsumi and Mike Dutton for organizing this, and inviting everyone to participate.
Hi Bill, big fan of your work. I'll definitely try to make it to the show. Thanks for posting these!
I went to speak with Jen the other day about the upcoming "Delicious show" and got a good look at the work. Beautiful and inspiring!
Your work is absolutely stunning. I'm looking forward to seeing the show. I also just sent you an email directly about an old letter I have from illustrator William Cone, wondering if that is you. I wrote via the Chronicle many years ago and received a great letter back that I've saved all these years. When I learned about the show and saw the work on your blog I had to find out if it was the same person!
Bill - I'm so glad you're blogging! It's great to see some of your less animated work. It's so beautiful. How do we go about purchasing, anyway? Congrats on the great article in The Artists Magazine! KBangs
Hey Bill, really brilliant pastel work you have here, it's truly inspiring to see! I've been a fan of your work in the Pixar art books, it's really a treat to see some landscape studies too. Good luck with the Early Birds show!
always a fan of you're work Bill! I truly want to make it out for this show! I hope you will post some pictures of it hah- super impressive as always though!
would it be possible to post a process picture of you're work ?
Wow amazing pastel work. Your technique and handle of color is very inspirational.
Fantastic art blog. Bookmarked!
WOW!! Beautiful!
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