I'm going to be giving a 4 day pastel workshop at the Sierra Nevada Field Campus mid-summer, from July 26-30. Class size is limited to 12. The field campus is run by San Francisco State, and is located in the Sierra Buttes, along the north fork of the Yuba River. I took an astronomy class up there about 4 years ago, and have wanted to teach a workshop there ever since. There are numerous small lakes in glacially carved granite basins that are very accessible by car, or an easy hike. The region is like a mini-Sierra buffet of beautiful scenery. Accommodations are available at the campus. The campus itself is composed of large tents on platforms spread along a sloping river drainage, with a large dining hall/classroom building. Hot showers and bathrooms are provided. It is rustic but quite comfortable. The cost of the workshop itself is $400, the accommodations are extra, and vary according to the options you can choose, involving a meal plan, as well as whether you bring your own tent, or decide to stay elsewhere, but dine on campus, etc.
There will be some lectures, daily plein air work and demos, as well as one-on-one time. This is an opportunity for some immersion in the challenges and rewards of painting on site, capturing light at different times of the day. Painting in the Sierra is a wonderful sensory experience... the character of light at higher altitudes , the glacial basins of granite, the range of color of in the creeks and lakes. I am always inspired by working in the mountains and I hope you'll come away with impressions of your own that will endure.
Here's the link to the website for the classes offered this summer. Just click on the courses link to find a class description.
All signups have to be done through the website, so they can keep track of the number, but I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
Sierra Nevada Field Campus
So cool! So beautiful that I have not words! :-)
You - the master! I love your pastels's colors, lakes, trees and stones!
Wow. Beautiful, the workshop sounds very tempting!
beautiful pieces as usual :)
i would have loved to attend this class but i'm very very far :) but couldn't agree more on the way you describe the mountains!
wishes for the workshops and work
Great work as always. Is the workshop suitable for someone very inexperienced with pastels? Planning on posting a material list for those that might need to stock up?
Thanks all for your comments and support. The class is already half full. 6 more spots left to fill.
Kevin, In response to your questions, yes, the workshop is suitable for someone with a limited experience in pastels. I focus a lot on learning to see colors and values without a lot of preconceptions. Pastels are direct, primitive, and simple in some respects. As you have a range of pre-mixed colors, it is more a question of seeing the correct values and colors (and shapes) that will translate into the limited palette one has. Control of edges and general strategies for laying down color are acquired through practice, and I will be giving demos every day.
I might suggest to anyone who is interested in taking the workshop, to get the materials now, and explore with them. It will just accelerate your learning curve, and make the workshop that much more rewarding. A complete materials list is available on the link to the class that I posted. Feel free to ask any other questions, as well.
Thanks for the quick response, sounds great. Waiting to hear back from the school, hopefully a spot is still available.
incredibly lovely work
Hi Bill,
I've been following your blog for a while now, so I was very excited to hear about your workshop. I am (or should be if paperwork went through!) one of the ones signed up for your course & I just wanted to introduce myself. Love your work, and I'm excited to learn more about pastels & observing light and color.
Hi Jenny, Good to hear from you, and thanks for signing up for the workshop. You may be the furthest flung person to sign up. If you've got any questions about the class in the coming months, ask away.
Hi Bill! Can I send some Terry Ludwig Pastels samples for your students?
Hi Kristen, Of course you can send some samples. If you look at the class workshop supply webpage, you'll see that I already recommend students use your pastels, but bring on some samples! Contact me in email to discuss more, if you'd like. Thanks very much for the offer! The class was filled a few months ago, btw.
Beautiful pastel paintings you have there ! Realy nice and sensible work, feels close to me... same quind I would have wanted paint myself (if I could).
Have a nice painting season to come !
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